Monday, January 19, 2009

A Plan .......

Fail to plan? Plan to fail ....

How's this for a high level plan?

1. Design database schema on paper (Gavin and Justin)
2. Code database schema in MS Access (Gavin)
3. Design Simple Forms: (Gavin)
- Basic Customer Information
- Instructor Information
- Course Schedule
- Individuals participation
- Registration / class start screen

4. Populate basic data. Let's start with the 7.15 and 8.15 social salsa courses and trial with this. The course is run regularly and a fair few participants (Justin)
5. Trial the system for a few week, noting issues or improvements (Justin)
6. Plan additional features
- Magnetic strip / barcode / RFID solution
- Adding billing information
- Reports (e.g. those not regularly attending)
- Stored value (for buying drinks and services etc)
7. Implement addition features
8. Port system over to MySQL / PHP solution and make web based. Add additional security etc.


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