Saturday, January 31, 2009

Developer Needed - Design Stage Complete!


As you will see from the below I have completed the data model. I have also created the MySQL scripts and successfully created a database on another server which I have access to.

I have also created some simple PHP pages to show you how to connect it! All in all very good progress.

It may not look much but it's taken a lot of time to get this far, it's important that the database model is properly and professionally designed.

When can we meet to discuss? We need a developer to help write the PHP pages.

If you get me a few days of developers time I will design and project manage for you for free.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sales and Enquiry Module - Revised Database Model

Added tables and relationships for the Sales Enquiry and Follow Up module. Integrated into the existing application.

Have created MySQL table creation scripts so can easily create MySQL database. Now we need a PHP programmer to write the front end code.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Sales Enquiry & Follow Up Module

Hi Gavin,

The first module we need to complete is the Sales Enquiry & Follow Module. We need to script it in PHP and MYSQL.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Relationship Diagram

A first attempt at the relationship diagram. Let's discuss on Thu ....

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Plan .......

Fail to plan? Plan to fail ....

How's this for a high level plan?

1. Design database schema on paper (Gavin and Justin)
2. Code database schema in MS Access (Gavin)
3. Design Simple Forms: (Gavin)
- Basic Customer Information
- Instructor Information
- Course Schedule
- Individuals participation
- Registration / class start screen

4. Populate basic data. Let's start with the 7.15 and 8.15 social salsa courses and trial with this. The course is run regularly and a fair few participants (Justin)
5. Trial the system for a few week, noting issues or improvements (Justin)
6. Plan additional features
- Magnetic strip / barcode / RFID solution
- Adding billing information
- Reports (e.g. those not regularly attending)
- Stored value (for buying drinks and services etc)
7. Implement addition features
8. Port system over to MySQL / PHP solution and make web based. Add additional security etc.


Integrating Bar Code or Magnetic Scanners with DB's

The most simple way is to use a keyboard "wedge". This converts the output from the scanning device into a keyboard like input.

All you do is open up a form in Access, make sure the cursor is on the search field (can be ensured bu only having that field enabled) and then scan the card. The wedge converts the output into text in the field as if the user has typed it in:

Check out

A software version exists:

How Do We Get Started?

A huge number of IT projects never get off the drawing board because people talk about it and never get started. The longer you discuss the more features are added and the application becomes more and more complex. Before you know it you have created a virtual monster that would require a huge effort to get off the ground.

I suggest we start simple and start now. Create a client server database in MS Access to prove the basic functionality, a proof of concept if you like. It won't be web based, it won't be fancy but it will be quick and easy to do and start delivering business benefits. Once the concept has been proved we can look to migrate over to more current technology and incorporate more and more features.

MS Access allows you to quickly create a database and test out your relationships and functionality. When you are happy and it's working well in live operation then phase 2 can start - building a we based application. It should be a lot easier as you have a working system to base it on.

Sunday, January 18, 2009